If you are like most people in this country, you may be suffering from what seems like endless bouts of fatigue and stress. This, we know cannot be good on the human body. When we become tense and stressed out, our bodies go into lethargy mode...or so to speak. This in turn causes us to not want to take the time out of our 'already hectic' day to fit in some good ol' fashioned exercise...we become detached from loved ones and from the world around us...and resulting from this, as well as the poor diet that seems to always come along with fatigue and detachment, we see an unsightly product start to form around our waste lines.
I felt this way when I first began my freshman year in college. I never seemed to have the energy to exercise, to cook myself a healthy meal, or let alone to study well. What I didn't realize was that my lack of exercise had begun to affect my mental and physical health as well as my performance in school.
Sooner or later, I found myself craving daily exercise. Near the end of the first semester, I made a deal with myself that I would start a regimen and stick with it. I did many things. I cycled, I walked, I lifted weights, and I ran. Little by little I started to build up endurance and strength as well as confidence and wellness which helped me do well in all aspects of my life. School got a lot easier, and I couldn't believe how easy it was to find time to get in my exercise. Morning, noon, or night, I had to do SOMETHING.
It wasn't until the near end of the second semester that a friend and I had been at the gym together, and we had been on the treadmill for about an hour. Afterwards, we talked about our workouts. I told him I ran 5 miles. "5 miles?! Why aren't you training for a marathon??" So, guess what I decided to get myself in to...
On December 12, 2010, I, Ashley G. am dedicating myself to running a full marathon--the Holualoa Tucson Annual--at 7:30 am sharp.
Running has become a love and passion of mine since I began my training. Little by little, I've worked up my strength, stamina, and endurance to be fit and well enough to run such a distance. I am not quite to that point of running a full marathon just yet, but I am surely enjoying all the wonderful benefits that running brings to my life.

Running is a great form of exercise, whether you are looking for something to relieve stress or something to help you lose weight. It increases aerobic/cardiorespiratory fitness as well as muscular endurance. Your body actually begins to learn to use energy more efficiently and to burn more fat while at rest. When done correctly, it can relieve joint pain and other types of pain while it also improves blood circulation as a result of strengthening your life pump:the heart.
Risks of running usually occur in individuals who are already injured in one or more areas of their body or in those who over train or do not run with correct alignment and posture. Sometimes it is just runners luck as to who runs away uninjured or not. Risks include runners' knee, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, and other joint related, muscle related, and bone related disorders.
Ever since I have begun my training, I've felt myself become a much calmer, more collected person. Stress is at an all time low for me, and I have become more able to deal with high stress situations. While running, it seems like I spend a lot of that time planning my life and resolving issues inside my head; that way, all the work is done so that I can spend the rest of my time doing more important things without all the clutter in my brain. It seems that my new hobby is here to stay, and I am glad to have it around. The endurance of running has taught me that I can go anywhere and do anything my heart desires...that the sky is my limit...but even the sky isn't a limit in these times. There are no limits to running. There are only the boundaries you set for yourself.
May peace be with you,