We are living in an age where nutrition, weight, exercise, and everything in between are the center of daily conversation. Why more so now than before?
3 out of every 4 Americans are classified as obese or overweight. Obesity is becoming known to being more of a threat than smoking, drinking, and poverty combined. Heart disease has risen to an all time high, and so have cancers of many different types. The health of the American people has dramatically declined so low that if we keep it up at this rate, within the next 2 decades we are likely to start seeing the average age of death occur between the late thirties and early fifties.
So, what do we do?
...once again, Easy.
We start eating better, exercising more, and finding ways to ease stress and anxiety brought on by our daily routines.
Where do you want your bloodline to be in the next two decades? Would you rather them loaf on the couch, cranky, with a bag-o-potato chips or would you like to see them outside, enjoying the life of the great outdoors, and living cheerful and full of life?
You can't decide how the future people will live, but you can help. Studies show that a child who grows up in a physically active family is likely to sustain that activity and pass it on to their children, and so on. Sadly, those who grow up in a sedentary household will likely do the same for their children.
Our generation must make a change now. We are in a gluttonous, slothful, and greedy world. There are some things that we cannot change, but there are always things that we CAN change. This widespread obesity epidemic can be slowed and reversed. All we have to do is play our part in passing on healthy habits that will be beneficial in living lives full of energy, confidence, kindness, peacefulness, and happiness.
So...what can you do to make a change?
Check back periodically for helpful advice and tips including nutrition, physical activity, stress relieving techniques, and more!
Thanks, and have a beautiful day.
Always the Best,
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