the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
Personally, I believe that true beauty flows from the inside out, rather than the outside in. Outside-in beauty is considered artificial beauty, and has no real significance.
We are living in a world where material/temporal things seem to matter much more than spiritual or emotional things. It seems that true values have diminished, and many of us only care about the next greatest film, the most popular song, the newest cosmetic products, and so on....
So, what has happened to our true sense of what real beauty is?

It seems to have been hidden behind layers of facial products and even more layers of hair products--all in attempts to "make" oneself 'pretty'.
Women (and some men) feel that it is the end of the world when he or she has a new pimple on display...I have been one of those--but I was recently told by a (my definition of beautiful) woman that "acne builds character"...and it truly does.
Instead of focusing on how we look on the outside, we must foremost focus on how we look and feel on the inside. What covers our soul cannot be beautiful if the soul itself is dark and empty... We were each given a body upon conception, and it is our body until death. Whether we like it or not, it is ours, and we must take special care of it by eating right, exercising, breathing, laughing, loving, and living our lives to the absolute fullest.
One does not need artificial beauty to become loved and appreciated by others...for artificial beauty itself is empty and is never satisfied. When one is beautiful and content within him or herself, his or her full and living beauty is illuminated across rivers, seas, mountains, and matters not what he or she wears or looks like when they have this real, genuine beauty.
It is so important to take a good look at yourself in the mirror, and then imagine turning that body of yours inside out to see what you really look like... Is everything a healthy, pink and glossy color and texture? ...or is it just the opposite?
Stress, poor caretaking, and other factors of the like can affect the way we look and feel, inside and, my challenge for you is to go, look into the mirror, and tell me what you really see.
May true beauty be yours,

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