Friday, May 20, 2011

Scorpions STING!

Hey there, to those of you who read my blog :)

This isn't my typical blog, but I just thought I'd share a funny(ish) story with all of you.
A couple nights ago, I was just laying down in bed to go to sleep...when all of a sudden, I feel this sharp pain in the back of my right thigh. I jumped out of bed like a crazy person, turned on the light, nothing was on me...but I had 4 red circles of PAIN where I felt the sting.

So, I thought, "Okay...there is SOMETHING in my bed. Whether it is a spider or a scorpion, I am finding it...NOW. Well, I found it rather quickly as I looked through my sheets. The Arizona Bark Scorpion crawled anything but peacefully across the top of the bed.
"OH MY GOSH!" I exclaimed...I was the only one always, but that meant I had to take care of this scorpion problem all by myself, like the big girl I am. So, what do I do...?

"Oh, a tea cup...." I dumped out the tea and trapped the scorpion inside the cup rather quickly. It drowned in a little of the liquid I left inside the cup, and I flushed it down the toilet.
Normally, if I catch a scorpion, I let it outside...but since the menacing thing stung me, not once but 4 times, I decided to just get rid of it.

After that whole ordeal, I finally could pay attention to my leg. By that time, my entire leg had started going numb. I called my mother, who got me to take Benadryl (sp?) and she also called my dad, a nurse, at work and he asked the doctor in the ER what to do. So I had also taken acetametophen (aleve), as well has had an ice compress where I was bit. I checked my bed for more creatures, and when I found none, I elevated my leg and stayed on the phone with mom for a while, who had to calm me down from an aparent panic attack. My whole body just went limp, That venom is strong. The neurotoxins can really mess you up.

It was hard to fall asleep with the pain and numbness, but I finally did. When I woke up, I felt incredibly weak, and my muscles and joints were extremely sore. I had to work later in the day, and almost called in sick...BUT I didn't. And for those of you who don't know, I ride my bike 6.5 miles to and from work (total: 13miles)...but after the ride to work, on the nice and cool day, I felt a bit refreshed, but still a little icky. I told my boss, and he told me I was that made me feel better too. As the work day went on, I forgot all about the sting and ended up having a very FUN TASTIC day. My boss has also seen my artistic abilities with food, especially desserts, and he sometimes has me make the decorations on the plates, as well as plate the desserts and take them out. It is rather enjoyable :)

Anyhow, after getting home, taking a shower, and getting dressed, my grandpa from Oklahoma came and picked me up to go see the rest of the family. I went out to dinner with my brother Kyle, sister in-law (to be) Stacy, Cousins Joe, Lucinda, and their son Kevin. It was quite a good day.

Well, anyway, the moral of the story is: No matter how much life hurts, we have to toughen up and LIVE...because life doesn't wait for any one person. Positivity always makes things better, so get happy ;) and I mean it!!

I still have some body pain, but I think I'll survive. It will probably be gone by the end of the day or by tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone! and SMILE!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are very brave and have a refreshing "can do" attitude Ash! will survive, but I've heard that it is VERY painful to get bitten. Olivia and Lidia have been bitten by one and we've done the same thing as you...observed the location of bite, taken the same meds and the pain may linger longer but you'll be back to normal soon. My fall off my bike with my ribs lasted months, but I'm happy to say that all seems good and normal now :) Have a wonderful weekend and see you next time you're in the valley. Brita
