Sunday, December 11, 2011

God, Grant me the Serenety...

I feel as if my balance has been slightly off lately...
There are probably several things that have effected this; some things I can change, and then there are those things that I cannot change, but that I have to find some way to accept.
Every morning, when I wake up, I walk out of my bedroom, and I see on the wall across the hallway:
God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". That little prayer has had a lot of meaning in my life, and I am sure that it applies to many other lives as well. Pulling through the hard times is not always an easy thing to do, no matter how much positive talk you give yourself or receive from others. It always comes down to what's going on inside of the sufferer... A battle that no other human being could decipher... a battle that only you know...and that you know it to be difficult.

I know...
I am there, battling my own battles, at this very moment. I know what you are feeling, what you are going through...I know this, because I know that we are all fighting our own pains and weaknesses. Although different, they are very much the same in a way. We all struggle differently, but no struggle is more difficult than any other.

I think we can all relate to a feeling of loss... it hurts really bad--and we all know that there are many different types of loss, and that some may seem to hurt much more than another type of loss we may have had before.

The loss of a friend or loved one to death
The loss of a friend or loved one to death or damage of the relationship
The loss of a job
The loss of a home
The loss of happiness, and what it feels like to live.

There are these...and there are many, many more...

I cannot give advice or words on defeating that pain...other than to pray and give your heart time to be mended and strengthened.We are people who feel...all of us. We all know what it is like to feel loss...but it does not mean that we have to suffer the hurt forever...for,we must believe that this too shall pass...and you will return to balance.

All the love that I can give, I give to you.


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