Saturday, November 10, 2012

Batteries, Sweat, and Paper Cranes

I suppose it's about time for another update! I'm sorry I have taken so long since the last one; a lot has been happening around me an within I've been taking a lot of time to process it all. I also own a journal that I write in, so I've been doing that a lot lately. Before I write a blog, I usually like to at least have a good understanding of what I'm writing about; in other words, I like to try and process everything and form my own opinion or special insights on a topic before displaying it to the public...and that is why I have my journal. My journal is a private place, where I am free to write anything that is troubling me or occupying my mind; no matter how irrational it may seem. My journal isn't going to judge me; it's just there to be there when I need to release, purge, and renew my mind and spirit.

It has been quite the rocky time of my good friends, KP posted on my facebook, "without some rocks, you can't have rocky road!!" heh; perfect. I love it; and it is true. It was extra funny, because I was pounding a hippie-vegan version of rocky road ice cream when she posted. (I won't tell, if you don't tell).
It's all so true though; it's the toughest of times that keep us thirsting for what is most important in life. Our taste becomes more easily's like our senses of it all are amplified when we are in our most trying times. The littlest things can bring us such great joy in times such as those, when we just feel like cutting ourselves off from reality or people, or whatever...these are the times in which we go inside..."Go there and Roam" - said a wise Swami... and boy, have I been roaming. It really is amazing what can happen when we take the time out to observe something, sit with it, feel it, grasp it, process it, understand it, and finally come to love it...and then we can use it. My teacherfriend said in class last night, that instead of the universe setting things up for us to have a so-called 'bad day', it's more like an obstacle course, where in one area, you'll learn patience, in another area, you'll learn stability, in another area, you'll learn kindness, and so on... and isn't this true? It is when we acknowledge that life is perfectly set up for us to find lessons in every moment. Every bit of insight and wisdom we crave is already inside of us...we just have to listen, and be with whatever it is, without judgment, and observe...

Like for instance, let's take yoga class last night. I'll just say that it was like we were in a sauna; sweat everywhere, steam rising from our skin, and fogging up the windows, and the wood flooring became a slippery mess...breathing in everyone else's steam....If you're not already used to yoga, and sweating, you may have issues being in this type of environment; but for people like me, it's the best thing ever. Nevertheless, we were hot (or hawt). The concept was to be able to cultivate good virtues in times of the steamy, sweaty yoga room (it's not even nearly as hot as bikram. I think it was only eighty-something degrees by the time we were done... "warm yoga") Anyway, it was fun seeing even our Steph sweating - she was like the battery of the sauna, and we were the circuits. Without the battery, the circuits won't work, and there will be no warmth. There has to be a desire or a drive (battery) in order for the outcome to BEcome (circuits --> heat and steam). It was like this whole metaphor being put into action; amazingness that maybe I could only see and feel and breathe...someone else may have had a different experience...maybe they were irritated; I don't know...but I was digging my sauna...and my eka pada raja kapotasana. Leaving the room to 30 degree cooler air really made me appreciate the heat we built as well...that brings me back to the rocky road can't have rocky road without a little bit of rocks...true that.

Yesterday was just full of sweetness for was kind of like the complete opposite of my last few days. There was just a cascade of fortunate or sweet events (and don't forget the sweat events!). I even found a folded paper crane. For those of you who don't know about the cranes; they are symbols of good fortune and love. I was feeling really loved all of existence. It was like the universe was telling me in these subliminal messages, "Hey, see? I love you." I felt it...especially after that paper crane; and I was fortunate enough to share it with a few of my good friends who, out of context, I ran in to on my way to my car. (By the way, I am SO grateful to have so many AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL people in my life) Those little synchronicities make life so exciting. I'm always asking, as my friend Bj says, "How does it get better than this!?" It always gets better, so long as we just trust that life will unfold, and it will be beautiful; no matter what.


Paper Crane:



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