Sunday, March 20, 2011


Life is so wonderful; not; never perfect...
But there is so much more meaning in mine than ever before.
The little things we take for granted, it's better that we don't ignore.
Be thankful and be kind.
Let your heart seek and find.
Find time to reflect as the day unwinds...

This week has been truly remarkable; touched by God, indeed. Each moment has been blessed, and each minute filled with rest. Such joy I find in my heart at this very moment. Such peace...
I find refuge in those escorts...those angels...those friends that my good and most gracious God has given me. I find strength in the sweetest, most precious words that can be spoken into my ears...that beautiful sound of strength, faith, love, hope, peace, and joy...and I am humbled and given that breath of fresh air so that I may move forward; never to look behind at what was, and never to look to what could have been; but only to look at what is, and have faith in what is to come.

I need not worry for the coming days of my life; because I am living for today...and only for today; for this very fine moment...I am living...loving...believing.

I am thankful for this day.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

More to Love

It didn't take very long
Maybe just one moment...
All is healed and well again...and life is so much brighter.
At least, it is on my end.
Seems like it's been forever
Since I've felt this sense of certainty.
Seems like it's been a lifetime
And I'm barely only learning.
It's all coming back together again
as I'm learning how to be a friend
And what it means to have one...

That mutuality
That double bond
That strength that holds it together
That mighty force...called God.

I have slowly come to realize
I trust you with my life...

and I think that this time
Our friendship will survive

There's so much more to being friends than seeing each other, speaking with one another, being with together every day. There's much more meaning than all of the temporal things. When two souls are brought together into friendship, they just know, and they accept. Nothing more has to be done, but faith and trust must be kept.

For all the things that I have done, I feel so unworthy -- but it is all such a blessing; to be pardoned and given one more chance to be that friend.

We learn and grow as we age. Sometimes our lives will seem like a hurricane of change and development...sometimes it will seem as if we are different as each day comes. The events in our lives drastically change who we are, and make us to be the person we are today.

Change. It's all around us. Change of the world, and change from within. But the one thing that never changes is Truth. The Truth is never altered...and there can only be one.
Our truth is what keeps us holding on and going forward as each tide of change rolls in. It keeps us comforted and secure, so that we don't have to fear for the future.

I believe that God sends us angels to help us carry change the things about ourselves that we don't want to hold us when we are crying, to carry us when we are weak, and to love us when we are feeling lonely. God gives us our friends, to fill the holes that we may find empty, and to fix our repairable flaws. He gives us friends...and our friends are angels...without wings...with a lot of meaning...who can preach us Peace.

I believe in miracles... because in my life, there have been so many.

None can compare to the joy I've found and keep within my heart. There is much more joy, more meaning, more to love than I've ever had before.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Texting, emailing, face-booking, etc. What ever happened to relationships?

Advanced Technology was invented by people who couldn't handle the uncomfortable moments of truth...or by people who didn't want to bother with reality. Thanks for making the world impersonal and emotionless...If that was the plan, then, these people have succeeded...

Life is a gift!
Something many of us take for granted. The things of this world hold people back from doing the great impossible. Everything today is so extremely the press of a button, you can get all of the information you could ever ask for. many of our children are failing in schools, turning to drugs for escape, and seeking any way out of our impersonal and dead society.

We rely on our telecommunication devices: our I phones, I touches, I this, and I that. Is it really all about ....I???

FACEBOOK. A place for...friends?
What defines friendship today?
Is it the people who follow your daily tweets?
Or those who are your friend...and 5,000 other people's friend too?

Those luxuries are what distract people from really living...and the message is loud and clear. Those distractions in life are wasting lives by the moment. Those distractions give humanity a sick and twisted face.

God can take any one of us from this world whenever he so desires; So why would anyone want to waste their lives away? I KNOW I don't. Each day is a blessing. And it is a blessing to never have to worry about what is coming next.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sweet Couple

There is this couple that I have seen everywhere this semester. They are what I call an adorable match, even though they are completely different from each other (in appearance). The woman is Asian, and very petite. The man is Caucasian and very tall. I would normally think nothing of it, if I had only seen them once or twice...but almost once a week, I see them in the most random locations on the college campus. They are older; maybe mid thirties. They are always reminding me that appearance doesn't matter--but only love...

Faith, Love, Trust, and Acceptance hold relationships together. No matter if they are friendships or romances or family ties...

I don't know this couple personally...but I am glad I see them from time to time; because it reminds me of some of the sweeter things in life.

Thank you sweet couple.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dear Friends,

Today, I urge you to smile
To give thanks for the many blessings in this life
To thank one another for every helping hand
To be encouraged when life brings high demands

Life is so, so precious
As well as those who are in it
Color life with nothing but love
And stop to think for just one minute

Every day we make a choice
A choice to complain or a choice to rejoice
I urge you friends, to smile today
And to spread your color in every way

Monday, March 7, 2011

Good Teachers

There are always those teachers who...don't change you...but who help you change yourself. I love those teachers. They mean so much to me.

Thank you Teachers, for helping others and myself be better human beings.

Best Always,


Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Hard Way

I've come to realize...that...for my whole life, I've always had to learn things the hard way--always had to put in that extra effort to get the desired outcome.

Everyone can live their dream. The only difference between people is that some just have to work a little harder. We are all human beings, and all very different from one another; but the one thing we all have in common is that desire to succeed.

Life is a continuous learning process; and if one ever stops learning, they must have died. Each day brings new things: questions, answers, trials, experiences...and it is how we respond to those things that make or break us...and our dreams.

Don't let your dreams die out. You CAN live it. So, I ask you to hold on...and just take a leap of faith, enjoy the ride, and NEVER.GIVE.UP!