Sunday, November 27, 2011

In a believer's shoes...: Thankful for the Blessings

In a believer's shoes...: Thankful for the Blessings: I'm extremely glad that I had this entire 5 day weekend to relax and to pray. I did good amounts of studying here and there, but not too muc...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I am thankful

God sings me lullabies of grace
My soul is nourished...
My cup overflows with joy and peace
Oh, how can I ever be more thankful

I am one of your own
Oh, dearest father
Never let me go...

My heart is filled with prayers...oh so many precious prayers. The most important of which is that I always remain believing. I have never felt more blessed than I do on this very day. This blessed feeling continues to grow as I continue to grow in faith.
I am always like a child; always wanting to can I be more like you, and less like the whole wide world?

"My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak"
Oh Father, guide me...for I am so very weak. I fall and I stumble all so frequently.

Dear Father, please carry me
for I have grown so weary...
Do not let me leave your sight
But rather hold me in your arms so tight.

Do not let me go from here
In you I find security
In you I find such hope and peace...
You alone put my heart at ease

In you I let my spirit run free
Your light shines brightly into me

I cast even my smallest prayers on you
And ask, if it be your will...
Oh dearest Lord, please... could you...

I have so much I ask for
Yet I have so much more to be thankful for

I am thankful
I am thankful
From the bottom of my fragile heart...
